5 Benefits of Going on a Pilgrimage
Put your life into focus, see God and your community differently, and so much more. Here a few of the biggest benefits of going on a pilgrimage.
Put your life into focus, see God and your community differently, and so much more. Here a few of the biggest benefits of going on a pilgrimage.
All over the globe these sacred sites promise to transform you, deepen your faith, and give you a new perspective.
Catholic Pilgrimage is about so much more than visiting holy sites. Discover the depth and significance and relationships that will become your reasons to go on a Catholic Pilgrimage.
"Pilgrim" means a lot of different things to lots of people. If you're wondering what we mean when we say "pilgrim," read on. You might be surprised by what you find.
Thinking of going on a Catholic pilgrimage? Discover what it really means, some popular misconceptions, and a bit of history.
Discover some of the great saints of France!
Pilgrimage is an integral part of the Christian life; but there are times when we find ourselves unable to make a physical pilgrimage. The journey does not have to stop…
The global celebration started by Pope John Paul II has been uniting and inspiring people of all ages for decades.
World Youth Day is an incredible opportunity for young people to deepen their faith, share hope, prayerfully journey on pilgrimage, and immerse themselves in the true universality of the Church.
Going to World Youth Day 2023? Here are 12 things you can expect during this absolutely unforgettable opportunity.