How to Discover Freedom in Traveling Solo
The thought of traveling solo can seem intimidating. Explore the ways in which solo travel can offer a beautiful sense of freedom and self-discovery.
The thought of traveling solo can seem intimidating. Explore the ways in which solo travel can offer a beautiful sense of freedom and self-discovery.
"Pilgrimage really illustrates what we’re called to in the Christian life: revival, restoration, and rebirth."
The long awaited World Youth Day 2023 dates are finally here! Let's start planning together!
"How do we live out the spirit of pilgrimage when travel is difficult -- sometimes impossible?"
"The God who inspired the people of Oberammergau to put on the first Passion Play in 1634 is the same God who loves us now. It is that love that we will see portrayed on stage next summer in Oberammergau--sacrificial love that comes with the promise of healing and renewal."
Fear of traveling is something that we talk about often now, accompanied by phrases like “increased exposure” and “calculated risk” -- phrases that weren’t part of our normal conversation a few years ago. Here are some ways to help you make prayerful decision about traveling.
Verso Ministries is looking forward to international pilgrimage again, and we have news that Israel is reopening for group tourism! Here are the details.
Climb On with us! Book ANY pilgrimage before September 30, 2021, and get $200 off per person when you enter promo code “ClimbOn200” at checkout.
"The bonds formed with the people of your parish will unite you in a very special way long into the future. "